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Learn About Our Programs

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Food Bank (UK)

Helping Those in Need

Ebehi Good Fortune is committed to helping the neediest among the woolwich community. Learn more about our charitable Activities for the families, and see how you can help make it even better and more impactful. Whether you’re looking to donate money or want to volunteer your time, we are happy to receive any help you can give.

New born gift bag

Change Starts Here

Ebehi Good Fortune cares for every new born, and our gift bag includes baby wipes, nappies, baby soap, bed, etc and providing a charitable service for new born. Lend a helping hand and join our efforts today.


Make a Difference in the Community

We help the less-fortunate with our Afterschool Activities program. If you’re looking to play a part, find out more about how to donate or volunteer. Your help really makes all the difference to our charity recipients. Contact us to learn more about our different services and how you can help us make a difference.

Programs: Programs
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